
Pensamientos Sobre Nicaragua

I know it's been a couple of weeks since Nicaragua, but I thought I'd share some about the trip, just in case anyone's interested. I didn't keep a journal every single day, which was unusual for me, but I think it was for the best. Sometimes I get so introspective and I think so much that I forget to enjoy the moment, but not this time. I savored every second with the team, with the Nicas, and with the Lord. Having said that, I will try to write some about each part of the trip as if I had written in my journal, just because it reads a little better that way. Enjoy!

Sunday night, March 7
    We flew in last night and grabbed a bite to eat at McDonald's (yes, it is everywhere). Today we got up early, had breakfast and a short devotion time led by our team leader, and then hit the road. We are in Nawawas now, spending the night in the new church building that is still under construction. This is the first town Loren (the missionary) visited when he came here 12 years ago, when there was no church here and barely even a town. Now there are four churches of different denominations. They had a joint service tonight, which lasted about two hours, although it felt like four because we're all so tired. Of course the whole thing was in Spanish, even when Loren preached. He wasn't preaching to us, so there was no need to translate. I understood most of what he said, though, and it was good.
    I've been hearing that verse for a few years, the one about the beautiful feet of those who bear good news. I never thought much about it except that I like feet and I like that they're in the Bible, but Loren said something that really hit me. He pointed out that the Bible doesn't say "blessed is the tongue that speaks," but "beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news." Loren was challenging the Nicas, but the principle applies to us, as well. I've struggled for a while with the effectiveness of going to another country for just a week -- not speaking the language (although I know a little Spanish) and not always having a translator -- and claiming to share the Gospel with people I can barely even talk to. But it's not about what I say to these people; it's the fact that I came. The other Nicas can talk to them on my behalf, and for that matter, we can give them a copy of Luke to read for themselves. They can watch the Jesus film. There are ways to get the Message across, things the Nicas could do without us, but there's something in the fact that we came here personally to invite them to read, to watch, to listen. We came on our feet -- our beautiful feet. Sure, someone else could have come; others have come before, and more will come after us. The point is that I came here, if only for a short time, to let them know that I want them to know the good news. It makes perfect sense now. This is why language is not a barrier, because the Gospel is not in English, or Spanish, for that matter. God's love is not in a language, it is a language, and this week it is spoken by my feet.


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