
In the News

Our school was recently featured in a news article about the fact that "More and more people from Lugoj prefer to send their children to private Kindergartens." The article compares three private Kindergartens in Lugoj, and you can find it in Romanian by clicking here. If you want you can copy and paste it into google translate for a rough translation, but I'll warn you that sometimes google translate is wrong. Here is my edited version, because I'm good like that:

Kindergarten "Children of Grace" is an example [of private Kindergartens in Lugoj]. "After I graduated in America, I returned to Lugoj with the idea of this kindergarten and requests exceeded all expectations. In 2008, when we moved into new premises, we had 30 children enrolled and are now over 260. The number of children has practically doubled every year. It's a big challenge, because from year to year we change logistics, hire new people, etc. We have both preschool and school - grades I-IV. We are a Christian education institution, but receive children of all faiths. 70% of our children are Orthodox, the rest being Baptists, Evangelicals, and we have three Muslim children," said Emanuel Olariu, manager of the institution.

Demand is so great that waiting lists are completed a year in advance. "Compared to last year, we have 50 children in addition. We began operations in September and in October-November already have completed groups for years to come," says Emanuel Olariu. One advantage sought by parents is that from 3 years old, children learn English, one hour a week. The institution has 20 teachers. Two American employees [from previous years, but no longer here] were joined by Rebecca Brady, a young teacher from Atlanta - Georgia [well, approximately], who will teach English for a year.

Fees are £ 165 for the short program (until 12 pm), plus £ 65 for the program extended to 5 pm. Added to this is 8 lei per day for the children's meals consisting of breakfast, lunch and snack. Kindergarten "Children of Grace" and Christian School "Grace" operates as a non-profit NGO. Parents contribute 60-65% of the costs, the rest being covered by the Church "Grace" and sponsors.

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